Does just released data from June, 2015 audit question or support that view? What about 1996-2005 data?
On February 3, 2015 Dr. Penelope Wills answered questions about a variety of issues put to her by the Verde Valley Governing Board Advisory Committee. One of them involved the dual enrollment program. During her response, she suggested that the programs are now big and suddenly costly.
However, data just released by the auditors in a report dated June, 2015 (represented by the first chart below) seems to raise some question about the sudden growth of dual enrollment. This is particular the case since in May, 2013 the College appeared happy with a report that found it was essentially breaking even with the dual enrollment program. The auditors used Full-time-Student-Equivalent as the marker.
Note the headcount enrollment figures beginning back in 1996 and leading up to 2006–a period without a recession.
Make you own conclusion: Is Wills’ correct when she lays blame for the decline in student enrollment to the fact the state has moved out of the 2007-2010 recession? What about the enrollment prior to the recession?