Recent YCC survey shows dissatisfaction with Community College in Sedona/Verde Valley
A survey of County residents by Yavapai Community College confirmed what Sedona/Verde Valley residents already knew: They are not satisfied with the Community College programs and services in Sedona/Verde Valley. To view and listen to the ten minute report given to the Governing Board, please click here.
Most of the questions in the survey were quite self-serving with obvious responses. For example, the survey asked respondents whether the Community College “should help job seekers.” It would be hard to believe anyone would say “no” such a question. It also asked whether the Community College should provide for “opportunities for personal enrichment.” Once again, it would be hard to believe anyone would answer “no.” (To see a list of some of the questions and survey summary, please click here.)
In the economic/cultural ends section of the survey respondents were asked if the College should “help new businesses in the county?” Why would anyone say “no?” The survey also asked whether the Community College should enhance “the cultural life of residents?” Why would one say “no?” However, when it came to a specific question on services to the County and the open ended section of the survey, Sedona/Verde Valley voices were heard loud and clear.
For example, when asked about participation in in College services, there was a significant difference show with an average of 5.1 for the Prescott side of the County while only 3.7 on the Mingus East side of the County.
In the programming area, Sedona/Verde Valley respondents sent the College a list of issues that concerned them. They included:
b. More Cultural/ Entertainment Events (22)
c. Concerned about moving east county programs to west county (18)
d. Support/ expand Community Ed & OLLI (17)
e. Bring Back Film (14)
f. CTE (12)
g. Programs that lead to jobs (12)
h. More Art (10)
i. Focus on Instruction only (no Econ Dev or Culture) 9
j. Dorms (6)
When it came to scheduling issues, Sedona/Verde Valley respondents listed the following as their concerns.
a. More face to face (28)
b. Schedule to allow completion (10)
c. Fewer cancellations (7)
d. More evening classes (7)
There was major concern about the College not spending enough time in the Verde Valley. (41)
When is came to improving marketing/ outreach, respondents provided a long list of issues and suggestions (30).
a. Become visible part of community
b. Hold public forums
c. Bring back paper schedule of classes
d. Advertise events & classes
e. In-class announcements
f. Radio
g. Better informed employees
h. Campus Tours/ Open Houses