
Archive for Ten Year Plan Construction



The budget for the next five years for Yavapai Community College shows that the Yavapai Community College Foundation will pour $1.5 million into the completely unneeded multi-use field. The College propagandists will say it is for graduation and other outside events.

However, in fact, (who cares about facts)  the project is to build a soccer field and is in response to the soccer lobby coming from within and outside the College.

In order to pull off this waste of money project, (why use this easy money for scholarships or improving faculty salaries) President Penelope Wills must keep the Verde Valley under control. Thus, the press from her and her press office regarding the Sedona parking lot and a promise of over $3 million to renovate the Sedona Center will be repeated again and again.  And the idea of “possibly” setting up a culinary school will be heard repeatedly.

This is a part of the brutal political game Wills’ continues to play with the Verde Valley. Oh, the remaining $2 to $3  million or more for the multi-use field will be paid by the taxpayers in the County from their property taxes.


Details of secret Allied Health meeting revealed

Meeting notes reveal YCC president Penelope Wills aggressively laying foundation for new campus in Prescott Valley with politicians, staff, and Northern Arizona University

TOP SECRETYou may recall that the Blog’s video reporter was denied access to a meeting held by College president Penelope Wills with NAU and the mayor and Prescott Valley Town Council on March 26. Since that time, Wills’ has been saying that the minutes of the meeting will be publicly available.  Finally, they were received by the Blog on June 16.

The minutes revealed that this was the third Health Summit Wills’ has been involved in.  It also reveals the aggressive nature of the Wills’ effort to move the plans for an Allied Health campus in Prescott Valley along.

Here, for the first time, is a published  list of the persons who attended this “secret” meeting in Prescott Valley.

Northern Arizona University:
Dr. Rita Cheng, President
Christy Farley, Vice President Government Affairs and Business Partnerships
Dr. Laura Huenneke, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dr. Leslie Schulz, Executive Dean, College of Health and Human Services
Debera Thomas, Dean of Nursing
Fred Hurst, Senior Vice President, Extended Campuses
Karen Appleby, Senior Assistant to Provost
Susan Johnstad, Assistant Vice President and Campus Executive Officer for Extended Campuses

Yavapai College:
Dr. Penny Wills, President
Dr. Stuart Blacklaw, Provost & Vice President for Instruction & Student Development
Scott Farnsworth, Dean for Sciences & Health
Mary Brown, Director for Nursing Programs
Nancy Bowers, Director for Allied Health
Rich LeClair, Director for Radiology Program
Tania Sheldahl, Dean for Student Development

Town of Prescott Valley:
Harvey Skoog, Mayor
Lora Lee Nye, Vice Mayor
Larry Tarkowski, Town Manager
Richard Anderson, Council member
Marty Grossman, Council member
Mike Whiting, Council member
Marnie Uhl, Director for Prescott Valley Chamber

Yavapai County Professional Leaders:
Mike Paredes, Director for Prescott Valley Economic Development Foundation
Donna Jacobs, Director, Northern Arizona VA Health Care System
Kerrie Whilhoite, Northern Arizona VA Health Care System
John Amos, Chief Executive Officer, Yavapai Regional Medical Center
Mark Timm , Executive Director of Human Resources, Yavapai Regional Medical Center
Frank Alemendarez, East County Administrator, Yavapai Regional Medical Center
Judy Baum, Chief Executive Officer, Mountain Valley Rehabilitation Hospital

Yavapai College:
Deb McCasland, District Governing Board member
Steve Irwin, District Governing Board member.

College moves ahead with Master Plan

November Facilities Management Newsletter reports College moving ahead with ten-year Master Plan on the Prescott campus

The November issue of the Yavapai Community College Facilities Management Newsletter reports the College is moving ahead with phase one of the ten-year Master Plan on the Prescott campus, which was adopted in December, 2013.  In its Newsletter, it reported that “Phase 1A of the Campus Master Plan is now in the Design Development phase. During  this phase of design, a much more detailed package of drawings is taking shape which
includes structural, electrical and mechanical layouts all in preparation for the final stage
of design which is Construction Documents (CDs).”

UNDER CONSTRUCTIONIt also reported that “In preparation for the Buildings 1 and 3 renovations, the first step of the moving process is underway with the renovation of the first floor of Building 32 for the Institutional Effectiveness and Research (IER) department. Once the IER team is moved into Building 32, the bulk of the Business Office functions will be moved to Building 30 followed by the Dean of Computer Technologies and Instructional Support office suite
moving to the first floor of Building 1. Also in this first wave of  construction, Building 3 room 117 will be converted to administrative offices for Allied Health and a new Registrar’s office in Building 1. Moving for these spaces will be complete by December 19, 2014.”  

Construction is underway for the new elevator at the Performing Arts Center. 

The Newsletter reported that the  new parking lot at the Sedona Center will include lighting, landscaping and will add approximately 90 new  parking slots. Construction on the new lot is scheduled to conclude by the end of February 2015. You may read the entire Newsletter by clicking on this link.