Archive for Politics – Page 15

Where was Wills?

Was she hiding from the Sedona Mayor and Council?

Conspicuous by her absence from the September 27, 2016 Sedona City Council meeting on the “update” on Yavapai Community College was Yavapai President Penelope Wills.  Instead of showing up and answering questions directly from the Mayor and City Council on the record about the future of the College, she sent Vice President Clint Ewell and Ms. Heather Mulcare. Ms. Mulcare is a College staff member and Verde Valley native. The experience for Wills when appearing in Sedona has been to observers as making her  “uncomfortable.”

VP Clint Ewell, of course, is not the last word on anything in the College. But he’s a likable guy.


This is not the first time Wills’ has skipped Sedona.

Two years ago Wills presented her annual update to most of the cities and towns in Yavapai County.  However, she omitted showing up in Sedona and didn’t bother to send a representative.  She was later chastised for this oversight by a member of the Sedona City Council at a Governing Board meeting.  A year ago she showed up in Sedona and had to apologize (without explanation) for “missing” Sedona with her update a year earlier. 

The one way to stay off the record, is to stay away from meetings where you are going to be asked hard questions.  One suspects that Wills did not want to be on the record in Sedona September 27.


“We are being cheated out of the facilities and programming we deserve and are paying for”


Mr. Staadecker

Joel Staadecker, a 16 year Sedona resident, urged the Sedona Mayor and Council at the September 27, 2016 meeting to join him and others to persuade the Governor and State Legislature to create an independent taxing district for an independent Verde Valley community college.   We “must get out from under the crushing oppression of the Yavapai College governance system, leadership and management that resides and works on the West side of  Mingus Mountain for the benefit of the Prescott region communities,” he said.

 He went on to say that the citizens need a community college in the Verde Valley because “we are being cheated out of the facilities and programming we deserve and are paying for in our property tax dollars.”

He pointed out that two days after the Verde Valley Forum, attended by about 100 participants, recommended that an unbiased, independent study be conducted to examine the establishment of an independently governed community college in the Verde Valley, the Prescott dominated Governing Board effectively abolished the Verde Valley Board Advisory Committee. That Committee made a similar recommendation on the day before it was abolished. The three members from the Prescott region that voted to eliminate it apparently knew in advance from newspaper reports that the Committee would be making the recommendation. 

Mr. Staadecker’s short speech to the Sedona Council can be viewed by clicking here.

Legislature and Governor being contacted by Verde Residents

Carol German letter typical of request for help

Verde Valley residents are contacting the Governor and State Legislators over the treatment being afforded them by the Yavapai College Administration and the West County majority on the District Governing Board. 

The letter that follows is typical of the letters being sent.  The Blog encourages it readers to contact the Governor’s Office and your Legislators to urge them to consider a separate Community College taxing district contiguous with the Verde Valley for a separate Community College.  The following is Ms. German’s letter.


Carol German


Yavapai College has done it again.  With a 3 to 2 vote at a Board Retreat they abolished the Verde Valley Board Advisory Committee.  This action was a direct slap in the face to the entire Verde Valley.  You had elected officials who worked very hard to select candidates for the YC Governing Board Advisory Committee.  It was also a slap in the face to a Governing Board member who worked diligently to construct an Advisory Committee structure that was acceptable to the Governing Board and well as the communities in the Verde Valley.  And, think of the time and effort that the County Superintendent of Schools spent in vetting the candidates that had been selected by each community’s elected officials.

The Committee itself worked very hard to determine the needs of the Verde Valley and to make recommendations to the YC Governing Board.  These recommendations were, for the most part, ignored.  It was as if the College felt threatened that millions of tax dollars paid by Verde Valley residents would be used in the Verde Valley instead of on the West side of  the County.  Right now our tax dollars will be used to build a 9 million dollar soccer complex in Prescott and also to build a multi-million dollar lecture hall in Prescott.  This is in addition to the millions that have been spent to build and remodel buildings in Prescott and Prescott Valley.  The College Governing Board should consider investing that money in Career and Technical Education Programs in the Verde Valley. 

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At the District Governing Board meeting August 9, 2016 President Penelope Wills sent  a stern message to faculty and others about not going along with her “bus,” over the next several months. She said that the “blocks” are in place, which most listening to her interpreted as her programs were in place.

She then told the Governing Board that at Monday’s convocation the call will be to say, “excuse me, all these blocks are in place, we’re all moving in this direction, there’s a few parts of that arrow that are dragging us back, and . . . it’s time to tell folks that are on the bus, `do you want to stand, or do you want to take  a ride?’  And that message will be delivered. To say, hey, we need the urgency of time and the urgency to transform this institution into the most vibrant institution. Not only for the present but the future is now. The blocks are all here. The ingredients are all here.”listen up

Wills’ did not elaborate on precisely what she was talking about or identify the “arrows” she said were apparently holding back progress.  However, it appeared she was sending some kind of warning for those who might oppose her programs. 

You may view her speaking to the District Governing Board (about 2 minute clip) on this issue at the August meeting by clicking here

Deb McCasland announces she will seek second term

Integrity, honesty and a voice for the Verde Valley

Deb McCasland has announced that she will seek a second term as the Second District representative on the Community College District Governing Board.  She defeated Harold Harrington two years ago in a landslide and has fought for the Verde Valley since her election.


Deb McCasland

McCasland is a breath of fresh air on a Governing Board that has three members, all of whom live on the West side of the County, who refuse to provide students and residents on the East side of the County with equal access to the same learning opportunities that exist on the West side of the County.  She is committed to working on breaking down that discriminatory barrier and cracking the Prescott dominated voting block.

An excellent, extensive interview with Ms. McCasland by Bill Helm in the April 10 Verde Independent can be read by clicking here.

VP Ewell confirms Liss is new VP

Ewell says appointment confirmed during talk before Sedona City Council 

Vice President of Finance, Clint Ewell, announced at the  Sedona City Council   late afternoon March 22 meeting that Dr. Ron Liss had confirmed he would take the post of Vice President of Instruction and Student Development at Yavapai College.  He will begin in June, 2016.

Ron Liss VP

Ron Liss confirmed as new VP

 As of March 23, there still had been no formal announcement coming from the College. However, the rumors received by the Blog regarding this appointment turned out to be correct as confirmed by Dr. Ewell at the Sedona meeting.

Dr. James Perey, the Executive Dean of the Verde Campus and Sedona Center, was out of town when the announcement was made.

You may view the Ewell statement at the Sedona City Council meeting by clicking here.

You may view Dr. Liss’s credentials by clicking here.

Rumors say Perey didn’t get VP appointment

Selection came down to James Perey and Ron Liss; rumors say Perey is out

 (Click here to link to the College web page showing the two finalists for this position and listing their backgrounds.)

Rumors regarding the final selection for the Vice President of Instruction and Development are rampant on the Verde Campus.  Most are saying that Dean James Perey, who has served as executive Dean of the Verde Valley Campus in Clarkdale and the Sedona Center  since 2012, did not make the grade.  

Ron Liss VP

Are rumors correct that Ron Liss is next VP?

An announcement was expected today (Wednesday, March 22) but so far none is forthcoming.  We should know shortly whether the rumors were correct.

The selection committee for the Vice President’s position was made up of the following:

Search Committee

  • Dr. Clint Ewell: Chair – VP of Finance & Administrative Services
  • Monica Belknap: Liaison – Human Resources Director
  • Nikki Bagley, Viticulture Faculty, Verde Valley Campus
  • Dr. Selina Bliss, Nursing Faculty, Prescott Campus
  • Patrick Burns, District Director of ITS
  • Joy D’Angelo, Business Administration Faculty
  • James Elphik, YCSA President
  • Dennis Garvey, Dean of Lifelong Learning
  • Dave Gorman, Mathematics Faculty, Faculty Senate President
  • Heather Mulcaire, Student Development, Verde Valley Campus
  • Tania Sheldahl, Dean of Student Development
  • Marnee Zazueta, Agriculture Faculty, Chino Valley Center
  • Jennifer Perkins, Student


Board Chair says it is a “really good marketing tool for us.” 
But contains little to nothing about faculty or programs:  Is it using taxpayer money for political purposes?



The Community College claims it is losing enrollment and desperately needs to increase student tuition while slapping a $10 per credit student fee to be paid by taxpayers for some community college classes now being taught in high schools.  It says it will lose around $2 million in the coming year.  Despite this claimed desperate need, it spent thousands of dollars on staff time and on printing costs, all paid by taxpayer dollars, to produce a self-congratulatory 16 page glossy catalog. (Like Macey’s)  It looks little more than like a very, very expensive political handout. 

This is the second time the Administration has put together such a hand-out.  The first was in 2014 when I believe it was created to help two board members in contested elections.  It failed. The present catalog is designed to coax Board members to find shelter under the wing of the administration via photos and self-congratulatory rhetoric.  It’s a political tool.

The claim it can be using it for marketing the college; if so, it misses that mark by a mile. There are only smatterings that would interest a prospective student or the student’s family.

Astonishingly, there is almost nothing in detail in the catalog about faculty, faculty accomplishments, and a commitment “excellence”  (if there is any such commitment).  And no faculty photos per se.   From my perspective, it is a pithy piece of self-congratulatory mush.

There is a full-pager letter to the “College owners”  signed by the Chair.  I doubt anyone considering enrolling as a student would bother to look at it. (Who is this thing being marketed to?  To residents so they will vote for Board members at the next election?)

A full page is devoted to the Governing Board photos and resumes.  A student considering enrolling at the College would find this page of no interest. Moreover, Board member photos dominate the report with the Chair’s various photos, who most see as the hand-maiden of the administration, most prominent.

There’s a full page devoted to “Board ends,” which would be foreign to most prospective students and their families.  The height ridiculousness is a full-page devoted to trying to explain “Policy Governance,” with an appropriate copyright notice to John Carver attached to it.  Just incredible!

The College administration no doubt believes that this document will help it cement relationship with Governing Board members.  Well, maybe it will.  But for taxpayers, it is a an example of how the current administration simply wastes scarce financial resources while crying out for more.

The catalog can be found by clicking here.

A much shorter catalog, that was also produced, can be found by clicking here.

The self-congratulatory statements made by the Board Chair about the material can be seen by clicking here.

West County Interests quash hiring consultant to study current administrative structure

West County fears losing power, control of Verde Valley tax money; 50 years of oppression continues

A motion by Verde Valley District #3 Governing Board representative Al Filardo made at the March 1, 2016 District Governing Board meeting to consider hiring a third party consultant to study the College’s current administrative structure was shot down by the West County voting block. 

power corrupts

The West County representatives realize that right now that side of the Mountain is in line for $100 million dollars of taxpayer money to finance various building projects while the East side may get about $5 million in development.  They no doubt fear  that an independent consultant might recommend a much more equitable distribution of funds and a fairer distribution of power between Prescott and the Verde Valley.  That is something the those in control on the West side of the County absolutely do not want to do, that is, share equitably in anything with the East side of the County.

The vote to hire an independent consultant to examine many models of College structure was 3-2, with all the Prescott/Prescott Valley representatives voting against the motion.  Ms. Deb McCasland and Mr. Al Filardo, the East representatives, voted for the motion.


Editorial urges that College and interest groups seek common ground

Goal of everyone is better educational opportunities for the Verde Valley: the problem is Dr. Wills



In an editorial in the Verde Independent, the editor asks, “Can we pull together for sake of young adults?” The editor goes on to urge cooperation between all the various groups in the Verde Valley and the College.  You may read the editorial by clicking here.

We agree! But there’s a problem.

The Blog strongly agrees with the sentiment expressed in the editorial.  It has been the goal of the advocates for an Administrative College for the past two years and the Blue Ribbon Verde Valley Governing Board Advisory Committee in the last several months to join all parties in a cooperative working relationship.  The problem, to put it bluntly, is Dr. Penelope Wills.

First resident group meeting seeking cooperation two years ago fails

Two years ago, following the huge turnout of residents on March 4, 2014 at the District Governing Board meeting to protest the closing of the Sedona Center, a select group of Verde Valley residents was quietly put together to meet with Dr. Wills and discuss how the Valley could cooperate with the College in the future.  A meeting was arranged.  However, the members of the group, to a person, left the meeting with Dr. Wills shaking their heads.  Their perception was that she was neither interested in cooperation nor their ideas.  

Supervisors joint meeting ignored

On September 21, 2015 the Yavapai County Supervisors voted to remove the College representative from the Northern Arizona Council of Governments (NACOG) Workforce Development Board (WDB).  During that discussion Supervisor “Chip” Davis expressed his concern  about the College’s recent behavior in the Verde Valley. He addressed his remarks to Governing Board representative Al Filardo: “I beg of you, pass on to your board that we are waiting with open arms for a great relationship.  But the one that has been coming out of there for the last few years has been very disruptive and nonproductive.”  Davis went on to suggest a joint meeting between the College and the Supervisors.  That request was ignored by the College and no meeting ever occurred.

Board Advisory Committee cooperative overture rejected

Four months ago (November, 2015), Mr. Paul Chevalier, the Chair of the Blue Ribbon Verde Valley Board Advisory Committee, pleaded with the Governing Board to create a series of meetings consisting of the Advisory Committee, Governing Board, and the College administration to discuss sixteen recommendations made by the Committee to improve educational opportunities in the Verde Valley.  You may view Mr. Chevalier’s request to the Governing Board by clicking here. The suggestion from Mr. Chevalier was met with outright hostility by the Chair of the District Governing Board, Pat McCarver. It was ignored by Wills’ and her staff.

The problem, to put it bluntly, is Dr. Penelope Wills.

The bottom line is this:  As long as Penelope Wills heads the College, cooperation with the Verde Valley will be stingy at best. And in reality, nonexistent.