Archive for OPINIONS


Staff may face discipline even by giving out the date of a retirement party to the media

OPINION: At Yavapai Community College, President Dr. Lisa Rhine’s leadership has fostered a pervasive culture of fear among faculty and staff. Employees risk termination for as little as engaging with a District Governing Board member or responding to media inquiries—a directive Dr. Rhine has enforced with unmistakable clarity.

The chilling effect of President Rhine’s mandate is so profound that even a simple request for the date of a retirement celebration honoring a respected faculty member was denied—staff too fearful of jeopardizing their jobs to share basic information. This unfolded just last week when the Blog contacted the college  to inquire about the retirement of Linda Shook, the Associate Dean for the Sedona Center and Program Director for the Osher Lifelong Learning Program (OLLI). Shook, an exceptional leader and dedicated member of the college since 2019, will be a significant loss to the OLLI program.

The staff member contacted by the Blog was visibly apprehensive, unwilling to respond to the straightforward request for the date and time of Dean Shook’s retirement celebration. Citing institutional restrictions, she stated, “We cannot talk to blogs,” underscoring the atmosphere of fear and intimidation that now permeates the college.

Dr. Rhine has taken extraordinary steps to muzzle employees. She has reinforced her hardline stance through small-group meetings, formal letters to faculty and staff, and repeated warnings about the severe consequences of engaging with outsiders. During District Governing Board meetings, she has doubled down, making it clear that disciplinary action—including termination—awaits those who defy her directive.

With fear now the defining feature of Yavapai College’s work environment, open dialogue and transparency have become casualties of Dr. Rhine’s authoritarian media-Governing  Board mandate.


Where is the evidence of Chair McCasland’s “safety concerns” for holding meetings at the Rock House on the Prescott Community College campus? Or elsewhere?

Editor: Robert Oliphant

OPINION: The Chair of the Yavapai Community College District Governing Board, Deb McCasland,  has unilaterally decided that all future board meetings will be held exclusively via Zoom. This apparently includes meetings at the Rock House on the Prescott Community College campus or anywhere else.

Her stated reason? A vague and unsubstantiated email statement received by District Governing Board members sent by the Board Executive Assistant to the President & District Governing Board, which declared in part “that [Chair Deb McCasland] after learning of safety concerns related to our board meetings, . . . has decided that governing board meetings will be held virtually only until further notice.”  This raises an obvious question: What safety concerns?

Despite repeated requests for clarification from some Board members, Ms. McCasland has refused to provide any specific details about what threats, incidents, or conditions necessitate such a drastic shift in how the public Governing Board meetings are held.  If there were genuine concerns about safety—such as specific threats, past disruptions, or law enforcement recommendations—one would expect some form of documentation or at least a public acknowledgment of the issue. But instead, Ms. McCasland  has chosen silence.

The public deserves answers in situations like this for several reasons:

  1. Public safety is an issue concerning the entire community.  If there is a legitimate threat, the community has a right to know. Are there security concerns that affect not just the Governing Board, but also students, faculty, or the broader public? Keeping people in the dark about potential dangers does not enhance safety—it undermines it.

  2. There are potential drawbacks to transitioning to Zoom meetings. For example, it tends to limit a spontaneous response between Governing Board members who are engaged in discussion, reduces opportunities for face-to-face accountability, and allows board members to retreat into a digital echo chamber where tough questions can be most  easily ignored.

  3. Avoiding answering hard questions from Board members is not a valid safety concern. In recent months, public frustration with the Board appears to have grown—particularly over issues like free speech of Board members and taxation. Some members of the Board have been raising these uncomfortable issues.  Could this shift to Zoom be an attempt to electronically silence criticism from certain Governing Board members by easily preventing their questions by muting them with a simple click  rather than a response to an actual threat? Without evidence to the contrary, that suspicion is entirely reasonable.

  4. Other Public Bodies in the County Continue to Meet in Person. City councils, school boards, and other governing entities across Yavapai  County continue to hold public meetings without issue. If they can maintain both safety and accessibility, why can’t the College Board?

  5. No Governing Board members have publicly reported any safety threats. Neither the first nor third District Governing Board member representatives, when interviewed, could recall any safety concerns that arose during recent Governing Board meetings.  Moreover, during the last two January Governing Board hearings, there has been no public disruption of any kind.  In fact, public attendance has been almost nonexistent.

The District Governing Board serves the public, not the other way around. The decision to eliminate in-person meetings should not be accepted without clear, compelling evidence that it is necessary. If safety is truly at risk, the Chair and Board should provide concrete information and work with local authorities to ensure that in-person public meetings can still take place safely and transparently.

Until that happens, this decision looks less like a measure for public safety and more like a move to shield Board members and the College from accountability. That is unacceptable. The community should demand answers—and insist that public meetings remain in a typical public in-person format, not on zoom.


Yavapai County lags far behind the rest of Arizona and the nation when it comes to numbers of doctors per thousand of residents when adjusted for population age

Yavapai County lags significantly behind the rest of Arizona and the nation in the number of doctors and nurses per capita, according to a report presented by Yavapai Community College. The discouraging analysis was shared with the College District Governing Board at its January 28 workshop.

At first glance the report says that the number of doctors per 100,000 residents in Yavapai County may not seem drastically low. However, when adjusted for the County’s older population and its increased healthcare needs, the data paints a much bleaker picture.

For instance, while Yavapai County officially reports having 55 doctors per 100,000 residents, this figure drops to 25 per 100,000 when accounting for the greater medical demand of an aging population. By comparison, under the same adjusted assumptions for age, the state of Arizona has 45 doctors per 100,000 residents—80% more than Yavapai County. Nationally, the number rises to 75 doctors per 100,000, three times higher than Yavapai County’s adjusted figure.

A similar trend is seen among nurses. After adjusting for the County’s older population, Yavapai County has 498 nurses per 100,000 residents. In contrast, Arizona as a state reports 949 nurses per 100,000—91% more that Yavapai County—while the national average stands at 1,014, more than double Yavapai County’s figure.

The analysis was conducted by Yavapai Community College economist and data analytics expert Ryan Jones, with assistance from Vice President of Finance and Administration Clint Ewell. The adjustment for age was based on data indicating that Yavapai County’s population is 50% older than the national norm, leading to significantly higher medical care needs.

Above slides were prepared and presented by the Community College to the Governing Board at the January 28, 2025 workshop.



Chair McCasland’s letter lacks clarity and substance while ignoring controversial Policy 310, which has resulted in numerous articles and comments raising concerns over chilling free speech by threatening to fire any of the 500 to 1,000 full or part-time College employees who dare to communicate with any Governing Board member

Robert E. Oliphant

OPINION: Yavapai Community College president, Dr. Lisa Rhine, recently forwarded a letter to the Community College’s staff and others written by Yavapai Community College District Governing Board Chair Deb McCasland. In the letter, McCasland warned about “false information” being publicly disseminated, claiming the misinformation was coming from “illegitimate blogs, websites, social media, and opinionated news organizations.”

The most obvious failure of the letter was this: At best it was extremely vague. It lacked any specifics about the alleged misinformation she claimed was being disseminated. It failed to identify any of the media sources she deemed unreliable.  It provided no context whatsoever.

The glaring omissions in the letter cast significant doubt on the credibility and intent behind the claims. These omissions are especially troubling given her sweeping condemnation of the local news media—or is she even making such a condemnation? The lack of clarity leaves readers guessing.

When making such broad accusations, it seems to me that it is critical to identify the supposed false information and provide evidence to substantiate the broad claims being asserted. The letter should have named the various alleged “illegitimate blogs, websites, social media, and opinionated news organizations.” Without this information, the letter comes across as baseless and unhelpful. It is impossible to evaluate the validity of her warnings.

Notably, the letter sidestepped addressing the controversial Governing Board Policy 310, which has sparked significant commentary in the local news in recent weeks. Policy 310, enacted by a 4-1 vote of the outgoing Board in November, includes a contentious clause stating: “Under no circumstances should an individual Board member direct or contact by any means, a staff member concerning a college or community issue.” Critics, including this Blog, argue that this policy undermines the elected Board member’s role as representatives of Yavapai County taxpayers. It also reflects a troubling lack of trust in Board members and imposes what some see as an inappropriate or at least “chilling” restraint on free speech. The College disagrees.

Of interest, the letter written by McCasland briefly referenced Board Policy 401, a restatement of an existing policy that has not attracted notable controversy. By contrast, the ongoing public discussions and commentary have focused on Policy 310 and its implications.

Moreover, McCasland appeared determined to remind employees that President Rhine wielded nearly unchecked authority over them and anything classified by her as “operations.” However, McCasland’s remarks appeared to veer off course at times. She seemed to vaguely insinuate that the “misinformation” she mentioned in her letter was somehow tied to criticism of the staff’s exceptional work. Consider her statement:

“Despite what you may read in illegitimate blogs and websites, on social media, or from unsourced and opinionated ‘news’ organizations, your work is unmatched and life-changing. I would encourage you to disregard anything that alludes otherwise. Do not even entertain it.”

Yet, the Blog has found no recent articles publicly critical of staff. This statement, then, resembles what some might call a “red herring”—an attempt to mislead or distract. The fact is that recent commentary has been directed at the College’s executive leadership, particularly the troubling fixation on secrecy, suppression of free speech, and various financial and procurement practices.

In sum, Chair McCasland’ s decision to broadly dismiss criticism as “false information” without examples or context undermines her letter’s credibility. Instead of fostering transparency and addressing valid concerns, the letter appears to deflect attention away from legitimate issues while failing to provide clarity or constructive guidance.

The letter forwarded  to staff and others by president Rhine is found immediately below:


The only sensible part of the proposed 2025 budget to be considered  at the May 21, 2024, District Governing Board meeting is the 11% increase in salaries and benefits for faculty and staff, which is crucial for retaining and attracting quality personnel

Editor: Robert E. Oliphant

EDITORIAL: On May 21, 2024, the Yavapai Community College District Governing Board will meet to deliberate on several financial measures aimed at funding costly capital projects on the other side of Mingus Mountain. The proposals include the issuance of a new $16 million revenue bond, the refinancing of two existing revenue bonds, and at least a 3.4 percent increase in the County property tax rate. The Board has already released between one and two million dollars in revenue at its last meeting by modifying its reserves policy at the suggestion of College leadership, thereby allowing additional annual funds to be allocated for these projects.

I contend that approval of   the tax rate increase is misguided and will disproportionately burden taxpayers in Sedona and the Verde Valley, who stand to benefit little, if at all, from these expenditures. Here’s why:

  1. The proposed $11 million investment to acquire a 41-acre camp near Prescott, which includes over eighty buildings for programs and housing, lacks a compelling educational justification. While expanding the college’s footprint and providing housing are worthwhile goals, I have not seen data that prioritizes this project over other educational initiatives. Furthermore, the significant shift towards online education and the absence of a major surge in student applications suggest that such an expansion is unnecessary.

  2. Constructing a $20 to $40 million Health Science building at the Prescott Valley Center is a nice idea. But it is a project that a university would undertake. It is not a project for a small Community College struggling with enrollment to consider that would, at best, provide service of sorts to only a small portion of the County. It’s way too costly to build and far too costly to maintain!

  3. For over fifty years, the Community College has ignored the development needs of Yavapai County’s rural areas. In the past decade, the focus has been on enhancing facilities in and around Prescott, with approximately $150 million invested in capital construction and major renovations. In contrast, Sedona and the Verde Valley have seen scant attention, with only a handful of projects like a $9 million student residence, a $10 million distillery/beer project, and a planned commercial driving program—all of which were abandoned.

  4. The District Governing Board approved a 5% tax rate hike just a year ago. I think the new additional 3.4% tax rate hike has not been educationally justified. Where are the compelling education reasons for it?

  5. The only sensible part of the proposed budget is the 11% increase in salaries and benefits for faculty and staff, which is crucial for retaining and attracting quality personnel. This increase is sustainable, funded by the substantial student tuition hike already approved and the funds released from the reserve policy adjustment in April 2024.

Given the absence of serious educational justification or a showing of a dire need for the 3.4% tax rate increase, approval of it appears very unwise. Moreover, the use of the additional funds, as explained by the Community College leadership,  fail to adequately serve the broader community’s interests, some of which have been ignored for a half century.


The Board should rethink its priorities before approving this expenditure. Moreover, why isn’t there  anything more than a scintilla of concern for  the Verde Valley and Sedona’s educational needs rather than investing in a road sign?

Editor: Robert E. Oliphant

OPINION. During the April 23 District Governing Board meeting, Yavapai Community College executives proposed an expenditure of up to half a million dollars for the installation of a directional sign along one of the roads leading to its Career and Technical Education Center (CTEC) at the Prescott airport. This decision comes on the heels of the College’s acquisition of 1.15 acres of land for approximately a quarter million dollars back in September on which to place the sign.

Total cost for this sign: Almost three-quarters of a million dollars?

This allocation of three-quarters of a million dollars for a road sign directing drivers to CTEC is to me a prime example of wasteful spending by the Community College, indicative of a concerning shift away from addressing the many unresolved educational needs of Yavapai County. It also raises questions about the institution’s fiscal priorities and accountability, particularly in light of the ease with which funds seem to be flowing into its coffers.

Consider the broader financial landscape: At the April 23 meeting the Community College Governing Board greenlit a staggering $11 million investment to purchase and initiate renovations on a 41-acre former church camp situated outside Prescott. Furthermore, the Board seems poised to approve a $16 million new revenue bond in May, alongside plans to refinance existing bonds for additional income. Adding to the burden for County taxpayers, there’s a looming 4% property tax hike to be voted on at the May meeting, which follows last year’s 5% increase. It only requires three votes of the Governing Board to go into effect.

All these financial maneuvers are aimed at two major targets: Firstly, renovating the  the 41 acre church camp it just purchased. Secondly, to stockpile resources for the eventual construction of the $31 million Prescott Valley Health Science Center slated to begin construction in two years.

However, amidst this flurry of expenditures and ambitious projects, it’s evident that the educational needs of rural areas within the County are being brushed aside, with a sharp, almost greedy, focus on increasing property taxes to pay for Prescott area projects. This neglect is nothing new; it’s a decades-old pattern perpetuated by a District Governing Board largely centered around and lobbied by Prescott/Prescott Valley interests. Regions like Sedona and the Verde Valley continue to struggle for equitable development opportunities due to this centralized focus and successful lobbying.

It’s disheartening to witness such disproportionate allocation of resources, exemplified by the exorbitant expenditure of three-quarters of a million dollars on a mere directional sign for CTEC. This decision not only reflects a disconnect from the College’s core educational mission but also highlights a broader systemic issue of neglect towards underserved communities within our County. Moreover, some may say it reflects reckless spending and regional bias.

It’s high time for the Community College District Governing Board to reevaluate its priorities and commit to a more equitable distribution of resources, ensuring that all residents—urban and rural alike—have access to the educational opportunities they deserve. That can begin at the May Board meeting where final budget decisions will be made for the coming academic year.  Anything less is a disservice to the County citizens it purportedly serves.


About everything that can be done to discourage citizen attendance at District Governing Board meetings is being done by the College and the Board, which explains apathy and disinterest

Editor: Robert E. Oliphant

OPINION:  During the March meeting of the Yavapai Community College District Governing Board, Chair Deb McCasland rightfully pointed out the sparse attendance of local residents at these gatherings. Her observation sheds light on a prevalent issue in contemporary society: the apathy of citizens towards civic engagement. However, several factors contribute to this phenomenon, especially when it comes to the Community College District Governing Board.

Lack of Media Notice for Board Meetings: One significant factor contributing to apathy is the lack of media notice regarding Board meetings. Unlike some governmental bodies in Yavapai County, the Board does not publish its agenda in local newspapers in advance of its meetings. Nor does it announce its agenda and any issues of importance that will be discussed on local radio stations. Citizens discover agenda items only when the agenda is posted on the Board website, which is usually one day before the meeting. This notice failure deprives citizens of crucial information about important issues to be discussed before a meeting, resulting in County residents being uninformed and disengaged.

 Abandonment of Local Television Coverage: Another example is how local television coverage of Board meetings has been abandoned. Prior to 2020-2021, Verde Valley Broadcasting televised Board meetings. Those meetings were shown on local television channels later in the week. However, without explanation, this practice was discontinued.

Reluctance Regarding Televised Board Meetings: A notable factor contributing to the apathy of citizens toward the Yavapai Community College District Governing Board is the apparent reluctance of College President Dr. Lisa Rhine to provide County residents with information about the College’s activities via televised Board meetings. In an unexpected twist for a higher education institution, Rhine expressed opposition to live-streaming coverage of Board meetings in January 2024. Her perspective was that the videos primarily served to assist staff in preparing accurate minutes. However, she believed that if made public, they could potentially be used to defame the College. Consequently, she advocated keeping them under cover. Despite Rhine’s stance, as of February 2024, the Board voted in favor of and has implemented live streaming of its meetings—a significant step toward transparency.

 Reluctance of College PR department to answer resident questionsThe Community College has a fairly large public relations department.  However, it has adopted a practice of not answering questions put to it by some residents or by avoiding direct answers in other instances.  This aids the College in keeping the public in the dark about its operations, thus fostering apathy.

 Lack of Interaction Between the Board and the Public: Another contributing factor to citizen apathy regarding the Governing Board lies in the limited interaction between Board members and the public. Some Board representatives have candidly admitted feeling ill-informed about the College, which prevents them from effectively discussing the College with their constituents. The lack of information  may explain why elected representatives rarely engage with civic groups and organizations to discuss matters related to the College, which only adds to apathy.

 Barriers to Public Discussion by Elected Representatives: Most residents are probably unaware of the absolute barrier existing for elected Governing Board members when it comes to discussing College operations. The College has strongly advocated strict limitations on Board representatives discussing “operations.” Operations make up about 95% of what the College does.  The representatives  fell for the College advocacy and adopted a policy preventing them from discussing any Community College action deemed an “operation.”  As a result of this restrictive policy, the elected representatives have tied their hands in terms of what they can say to the public. (So much for the First Amendment.) This no doubt contributes in a big way to the prevailing apathy surrounding the District Governing Board meetings. 

Lack of detailed monthly reports from the Community College president: A major failure on the part of the Governing Board is to request a detailed monthly report from the President regarding operations at each campus and center.  If the Board were concerned about reducing apathy and providing constituents with information, such reporting would be at the top of its agenda.  Residents in Prescott Valley, Chino Valley, Sedona, Cottonwood, and other areas remain largely uninformed about the operations of the Community College at their local centers or campuses. The Board’s failure to ensure transparent communication on a regular basis about operations leaves citizens in the dark. Why should they not know what is unfolding in their educational community?

Perhaps the Board members are grappling with distinguishing between requesting monthly operations reports and interfering with day-to-day activities. It is crucial to recognize that regular reporting does not equate to micromanagement. Instead, it empowers the community by providing insight into College operations.

Presently, the only available operations information stems from data accompanying proposed budgets. However, this falls short of the comprehensive understanding needed for informed decision-making.  By advocating for detailed monthly reports from each campus and center, the Board can bridge the information gap, foster transparency, and actively engage residents in the College’s vital affairs.

Limited access to Board representatives: Constituents in Yavapai County have limited access to their elected Governing Board members, as they lack local offices and staff. Communication is primarily through the Board website, where emails often go unanswered. This detachment from local communities throughout the County fosters a sense of disconnection and alienation among citizens, further reducing their motivation to participate in Governing Board meetings.

Does College prefer apathy? Interestingly, it may be that the Community College executives  may actually  prefer citizen apathy when it comes to the Verde Valley and other more rural areas of the County. Citizen apathy may serve as a convenient means of maintaining the status quo and preserving the College’s control over what it wants to do without outside resident interference of any kind. By discouraging active citizen engagement, the Community College operates with less scrutiny and accountability, advancing its agendas without significant opposition or oversight. Therefore, the College’s behavior  may subtly perpetuate conditions conducive to citizen apathy, such as limited media coverage, minimal community involvement, lack of reporting, and uninspiring civic programs outside Prescott.

In conclusion, there are major barriers that have been erected by the College and the District Governing Board to allow the free and open transmission of information to the public.  Unless these issues are addressed, apathy will remain high and citizen knowledge about the College will remain low. Maybe that is just what the College and the Governing Board want. If so, their behavior is a self-fulfilling prophecy when it comes to apathy.



So, the Blog has provided what may have avoided them in their education in the following short opinion essay followed by a short series of questions to test their understanding of the role of a free press in a democracy.

Editor: Robert E. Oliphant

OPINION:  It has become clear that some members of the Yavapai Community College District Governing Board and Community College President Dr. Lisa Rhine may have forgotten (or never knew) the basic reasons a free press functions in a free society. At least that is what one gleans from their recent behavior.

For example, in January one Board member referred to  the Blog and the Redrock News as the “enemy” with the apparent agreement of another. Also in January, Community College president  Dr. Lisa Rhine was working behind the scenes to prevent any video record of a Board meeting being easily made accessible to the public. The Community College’s press department has refused on occasion to either reply or to answer questions put to it by the Blog. Both recent Third District Yavapai Community College Governing Board members (Mr. Chevalier, former member, and Mr. Payne, present representative) have had to resort to the Arizona Public Records law to get information from the College. The College has refused to answer questions put to it by the Red Rock News. One Board member has suggested the press has lied about him but has produced no public evidence in support of that claim.

So, the Blog offers this short essay, prepared by Blog editor Robert Oliphant,  explaining the vital role of the Blog and the Red Rock News (and other news outlets)  in reporting on the Tax-Supported 100 Million dollar Yavapai Community College.

Introduction: In the fabric of democratic societies, the press, including local newspapers and the Blog, serve as a cornerstone, with their  role extending beyond mere dissemination of information to actively shaping public discourse and holding Yavapai Community College accountable. Tax-supported educational entities, like the Community College, hold a unique position. The local press plays a crucial role in accurately reporting on its  activities, ensuring transparency, accountability, and the maintenance of democratic values. This essay explores the significance of the local press and the Blog in reporting on Yavapai Community College and explains why their role is indispensable to the sustenance of democracy.

First: First and foremost, tax-supported educational entities like Yavapai Community College, owe  their reliance on public funds and carry an overwhelming responsibility to serve the public interest. The residents of Yavapai County have entrusted the Community College with nurturing intellect, advancing knowledge, and fostering critical thinking, all of which are vital for the functioning of a democratic society. However, without effective oversight, there exists a risk of mismanagement, corruption, or deviation from its core mission. Herein lies the critical role of the local newspapers and the Blog. Through investigative journalism and impartial reporting, the Red Rock News (and other media) and the Blog  serve as watchdogs, scrutinizing the operations of the College  and bringing any discrepancies to light. By exposing instances of financial impropriety, academic misconduct, or administrative malpractice, the Red Rock News  (and other media) and the Blog act as a catalyst for accountability, ensuring that tax dollars are utilized efficiently and ethically.

Second: Moreover, the local press plays a pivotal role in promoting transparency within this  tax-supported educational entity. Transparency is indispensable for maintaining public trust and facilitating informed decision-making. When the Community College and its Governing Board  operate behind closed doors, shielded from public scrutiny, it erodes the very foundation of democracy. By actively engaging in investigative reporting, the Red Rock News (and other media) and the Blog  shed light on the inner workings of the Community College, unveiling hidden agendas, conflicts of interest, and decision-making processes. Through access to information laws and investigative journalism, the press holds the Community College accountable for its actions, and in turn foster a culture of openness and accountability.

Third: Furthermore, the Red Rock News and the Blog (and other local media) serve as a conduit for amplifying diverse voices within the educational landscape in the County. Yavapai Community College  is not a monolithic entity; it  encompasses a myriad of perspectives, ideologies, and interests. However, without robust media coverage, certain voices may be marginalized or silenced. The press plays a crucial role in amplifying diverse perspectives, shedding light on issues such as academic freedom, diversity, equity, and inclusion. By providing a platform for dissenting voices and marginalized communities, the goal is to  enrich public discourse and foster a more inclusive educational environment.

Fourth: Beyond the confines of Yavapai Community College, the role of the press in reporting on the tax-supported Yavapai Community College  extends to its broader implications for democracy. An informed citizenry is the bedrock of democracy, and access to accurate information is essential for citizen participation and engagement. When the Red Rock News or the Blog (or other media) fail to hold educational institutions accountable or neglect to report on issues of public concern, it undermines the democratic process. Conversely, when the local press fulfills its role as a watchdog, it empowers local citizens to make informed decisions and to  hold elected District Governing Board officials accountable.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the Red Rock News (and other local media) and the Blog  play a vital role in accurately reporting on the activities of Yavapai Community College. By serving as a watchdog, promoting transparency, amplifying diverse voices, and empowering citizens, we  uphold democratic values and ensure accountability within the Community College. In an era marked by increasing scrutiny of public institutions and growing demands for transparency, the role of the Red Rock News (other media) and the Blog  in safeguarding democracy has never been more critical. As guardians of the public interest, the news media must continue to fulfill their duty with diligence, integrity, and unwavering commitment to truth.

SELF TEST: Having read the essay, you may now test your understanding of the role of the free press in Yavapai County by answer the following questions:

  • What is the role of the press, including local newspapers and blogs, in democratic societies, particularly concerning tax-supported educational entities like Yavapai Community College?

  • Why is it important for tax-supported educational institutions to be transparent in their operations?

  • How do local newspapers and blogs act as watchdogs over Yavapai Community College?

  • What potential risks are associated with tax-supported educational entities operating without effective oversight?

  • How do journalists promote transparency within Yavapai Community College?

  • Why is amplifying diverse voices within the educational landscape considered crucial, and how do local newspapers and blogs contribute to this goal?· What broader implications does the role of the press in reporting on tax-supported educational entities have for democracy?




Does the current appointive process lend itself to a preference that the Board function more like an exclusive club rather than a diverse and representative body that accurately represents the interests of all County residents?

Editor: Robert Oliphant

OPINION: When applying to fill the vacant Third District Yavapai Community College District Governing Board seat, it is important for the applicant to be mindful of the potential veto power held by individual Board members. This is because Tim Carter, who makes the final appointment, will be formally asking for each member’s views about a candidate prior to the final selection.  If a Board member expresses strong negative views regarding a candidate, it may, and most likely will, impact that candidate’s  chance of being appointed.

Why should a west-county Board member have this kind of potential ex officio veto power over a prospective candidate from the Third District? After all,  not a single current Board member  lives in Sedona or the Verde Valley. Moreover, Mr. Carter already has an independent committee that will make recommendations to him made up of people who, it is assumed, reflect the values and views of most in the Verde Valley.

Observers who have closely monitored the Board’s proceedings over the years may recall instances where members from the west county expressed notably negative opinions towards Paul Chevalier, particularly during his active advocacy for Sedona and the Verde Valley. Despite this, Mr. Chevalier, a lawyer, had the courage to stand his ground. Throughout his four years on the Board, he  remained a dedicated and well-informed watchdog for Sedona and the Verde Valley  in matters related to the Community College.

It is suspected that some of the current Board members will aim to prevent the selection of a candidate who possesses characteristics similar to those of Mr. Chevalier.  For these members, the ideal new representative will be someone who will strictly and silently abide by all of the Governing Board formal and informal rules. That representative will also avoid at all costs publicly expressing concerns about underfunding or underdevelopment in Sedona and the Verde Valley. Furthermore, the new representative must fit the mold of avoiding asking challenging questions regarding the distribution of limited resources, which have disproportionately favored the Prescott side of Mingus Mountain for over five decades.

The County Education District’s statement regarding the formal involvement of non-resident Board members in the appointment of a Third District Representative provides evidence to suggest that they may possess significant ex officio veto power in the selection process. Here is what that portion of the announcement says regarding the process and Governing Board input:

Prior to making the final selection, the Superintendent will meet separately with each of the currently seated Yavapai College Board Members for their input on the finalists. Members of the public from District 3, will also have an opportunity to email their views of the candidates to Mr. Carter or to meet personally with him for a 10-minute meeting from noon to 4 pm on Thursday, March 9th at the Sedona Campus of Yavapai College after the finalists have been announced.

Anyone can, of course, provide Mr. Carter with his or her views on any candidate.   The problem here is that using a formal process of precisely seeking out the views of Board members prior to the final appointment has the appearance of providing them with too much ex officio veto power in the overall process. That, is seems to me, is a concern.


Former Sedona Center/Verde Valley Dean claims she was subject to possible discipline apparently for allowing Third District Rep Paul Chevalier to speak at OLLI luncheon March 2, 2022

Robert E. Oliphant, Editor

OPINION. If the information now being made public by the former Sedona Center/Verde Campus Dean Dr. Tina Redd is correct, it appears that freedom of speech at the Yavapai Community College is under attack ― at least when it comes to Third District Representative Paul Chevalier.

According to Dean Tina Redd, the College Prescott-based executives were involved in some kind of “back channel” communications about Mr. Chevalier and  appeared to her as almost panicked because he was speaking at a 1:00 p.m. OLLI luncheon March 2, 2022 on the Verde Campus. Dean Redd  alleges that the Community College executives subjected her to something akin to interrogation  about the event.

In her recent public disclosures explaining why she left her position as Sedona Center/Verde Valley Dean, Dr. Redd  commented on the  incident. She wrote:  

“I am bewildered by the flurry of back channel communication surrounding the OLLI Brown Bag luncheon featuring Paul Chevalier.” 

Dean Redd then expanded on  her recollection of events leading up to the March speech:   

Yavapai Community College Third District Representative Paul Chevalier

“My associate dean was contacted on her personal cell phone on a Sunday evening (2/27) asking her to immediately supply information about the event creating a sense of panic.  After a second request, for specific emails between my associate dean and myself, I reached out to Dr. Ryan to let her know I was happy to supply anything she needed.  I was informed two days later that Dr. Ryan has lost her cell phone. Then we were informed that Board Chair Deb McCasland and Tyler Rumsey would attend the event.  Was the event being recorded? “No.”  Did Dr. Redd give permission for the event?  “Dr. Redd doesn’t directly approve OLLI events.” It feels a bit like we’re being interrogated, but we never know why.

After the March event,  Dean Redd says that because of it she perceived she was going to be possibly disciplined  for apparently allowing the speech to go forward.  She said the following:

I am now scheduled for a disciplinary meeting over this brown bag luncheon.  Regardless of the outcome of this meeting, I am troubled by the approach.  As Verde Valley Dean, I cannot function without trust and support.  By any account, relations between the college and Verde Valley citizens have been tumultuous for more than twenty years.  I didn’t invent this conflict.  Yet, I will be formally reprimanded when a conversation about procedures would suffice. 

The behavior of the Prescott-based executives appears both childish and puzzling.  Quite frankly, their actions as alleged by Dr. Redd fail to pass the smell test.

Dr. Redd has shown great courage in publicly disclosing the dreadful actions of her superiors when it comes to Mr. Chevalier.  She no doubt understands, as do most educators, that the best demonstration of our value of a right of free speech in a democracy is ensuring that a person with whom we disagree is heard.   It is a value that educational institutions like Yavapai Community College should model and practice.  Once an educational institution decides to use its  power to  suppress controversial ideas, we are all subject to its censorship.

If there were truly a Higher Education Commission concerned with free speech and  community colleges, it would be thoroughly investigating the allegations coming from the former Dean at Yavapai Community College about this incident.

 The efforts to apparently use Dean Redd to suppress Mr. Chevalier from speaking, although unsuccessful, fly directly in the face of what higher educational institutions stand for.