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December 3 free holiday Jazz concert delightful

If College seriously cared, it would assist Dean Ralston in his Verde Valley efforts

Performing arts center compared to M 137

The concert December 3 at room M-137 by the Yavapai College Trailblazer Big Band, and the Roughriders Big Band, was enjoyed by the audience of around 100 residents.  The two bands explored the performance styles of legendary jazz masters through seasonal holiday music, as well as jazz standards. (The audience programs were accidentally left in Prescott.)

Dean Craig Ralston is working very hard to bring a series of cultural events to the Verde Valley.  However, it is clear he receives little help from the Verde Valley Administration—at least that is how the barren classroom looked where the concert took place looked last night.  If the College administration on the Verde Campus was seriously committed to developing cultural events brought to the Campus by Dean Ralston, it would actually invest in the projects by creating a serious venue.

For example, in room M-137 there is no portable stage on which the audience can see the performers as they perform.  Why not?  There was no lighting crew and no audio crew present to help Dr. Ralston. Why not?   This was promoted as a holiday pre-Christmas concert, yet the room was a barren classroom; not a single holiday plant, etc. was to be seen anywhere.  Does anyone in the Verde Administration know anything about how to stage a holiday event? Or care.

The College administration on the Verde Campus should have the responsibility of assisting Dr. Ralston and seriously engage in the cultural projects he is bringing to the Campus. Then again, the administrators don’t really care about serious support of Dean Ralston’s hard work, do they! Or the Verde Valley!