NOTE: Due to inclement weather conditions, the board has decided to livestream this meeting. YouTube stream of Workshop:
The Yavapai Community College District Governing Board will hold a its eighth and last business meeting for 2022 on Tuesday, November 15, at Room M-137, Verde Valley Campus, 601 Black Hills Drive, Clarkdale, Arizona 86324. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 1:00 p.m.
There is an Open Call to the public where a speaker is usually limited to three minutes. Members of the Governing Board are not supposed to discuss or take legal action on matters raised during an Open Call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. on the Board agenda.
A citizen wishing to address the Board should complete a “Request to Speak” form, and give it to the Recording Secretary. The speaker should be prepared to limit his or her remarks to the designated time.
Under Arizona law, the public has a right to attend, listen, tape record, or videotape these meetings. The public may not disrupt, but may speak during the call to the public at the beginning of this meeting. See Ariz. Att’y Gen. Op. No. I78-001.
The full agenda for the afternoon meeting can be found on the Community College web site by clicking here.
One of the most important items to be discussed and voted upon is the College Facilities Master Plan.
Disabled veterans, the elderly, wheel chair bound residents, students, faculty, and those who can’t take a day off work to attend, and other interested residents who would like to know what the Board is doing in detail must wait to view a video tape of the meeting that the College posts anywhere from a few weeks to several months after a meeting on the District website. The Governing Board also does not live stream its meetings, which is a contrary to the practice followed by most other major governmental units in Yavapai County.
The Yavapai Community College District Governing Board will hold a meeting Monday, November 14, at the Rock House on the Prescott Campus. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. The address is 1100 E. Sheldon Drive, Prescott, Az. 86301.
Although the Board has not posted the meeting on its website, the event date, time and place is based on reasonably reliable information obtained by the Blog.
If you are curious about the meeting, watch for a posting of an agenda on the Governing Board website sometime late this week; most likely Friday or Saturday. It should also confirm the information the Blog has been able to obtain about the meeting’s time and place.
It is doubtful there will be an Open Call to the public for this type of meeting but double check the agenda.
Under Arizona law, the public has a right to attend, listen, tape record, or videotape these meetings. The public may not disrupt, but may speak during the call to the public if the call is listed on the agenda. See Ariz. Att’y Gen. Op. No. I78-001.
There will likely be no live streaming of the meeting by the College, a taxpayer supported institution. It prefers to make it as difficult as possible for the public to accurately know what it and the Board discuss during these meetings. There also will likely be no video record kept. Once again, the reason for this is to make it as difficult as possible for the public to know precisely what transpires at these types of meetings unless they appear with their own recording equipment.
The Yavapai Community College District Governing Board will hold a study session and General meeting on Tuesday, September 27 beginning at one p.m. The study session was listed by the Community College as running from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. while the business meeting is scheduled for 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. The meetings will be held at the Rock House on the Prescott Campus. The address is 1100 E. Sheldon Drive, Prescott, Az. 86301.
There is an Open Call to the public scheduled for shortly after 1 p.m. Members of the Governing Board are not supposed to discuss or take legal action on matters raised during an Open Call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action.
A citizen wishing to address the Board should complete a “Request to Speak” form, and give it to the Recording Secretary at the meeting site. Unfortunately, there is no accommodation for persons viewing the meeting on-line to similarly address the Board if the meeting is broadcast live on YouTube. The speaker at the Rock House should be prepared to limit his or her remarks to the designated time (usually three minutes).
Under Arizona law, the public has a right to attend, listen, tape record, or videotape these meetings. The public may not disrupt, but may speak during the call to the public at the beginning of this meeting if the call is on the agenda. See Ariz. Att’y Gen. Op. No. I78-001.
Yavapai Community College will hold a special District Governing Board meeting on Tuesday, August 9, 2022, beginning at 3 p.m. The entire meeting will be held online, and you may view the session on YouTube. (See insert below for YouTube address.)
The topic is “Yavapai College Aviation Program differential tuition.” Nothing more is known about the meeting.
The Yavapai Community College Verde Valley Campus will hold an open House on Saturday, April 30th from 9:30 a.m. to noon. The campus is located in Clarkdale, Arizona at 601 West Black Hills.
Those attending the Open House may tour facilities, seek assistance with registration, financial aid, and academic advising. They can also learn about the various programs on the campus, from construction, HVAC technician, and plumbing to nursing, art, winemaking during the Open House.
“At our open house, we’re excited to assist people with fall registration.” Said Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management, Diana Dowling. “We will be showcasing and answering questions about our Verde programs, and we’ll also be doing campus tours, giving away YC branded items, and helping students register for the upcoming fall semester.”
Visitors will also have the opportunity to take part in scholarship giveaways during the open house.
The Yavapai Community College District Governing Board will hold its monthly General Open Public Meeting on Tuesday, April 12, 2022, at one P.M. The meeting will be held at the Rock House on the Prescott Campus. The address is 1100 E. Sheldon Drive, Prescott, Az. 86301.
There is an Open Call to the public, which is scheduled for the opening minutes of the meeting.
Members of the Governing Board are not supposed to discuss or take legal action on matters raised during an Open Call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action.
A citizen wishing to address the Board should complete a “Request to Speak” form, and give it to the Recording Secretary. The speaker should be prepared to limit his or her remarks to the designated time (usually three minutes).
Under Arizona law, the public has a right to attend, listen, tape record, or videotape these meetings. The public may not disrupt, but may speak during the call to the public at the beginning of this meeting if the call is on the agenda. See Ariz. Att’y Gen. Op. No. I78-001.
The Governing Board no longer publishes a “full agenda” for the afternoon meeting. Rather, it posts what is calls an “Agenda Summary.” For your convenience, the Blog has posted the “Agenda Summary” that was posted earlier this week.
It is also usually possible to view the meeting live via YouTube.
1. General Functions: Procedural
a. Call to Order {Time: 1}
b. Pledge of Allegiance {Time: 1}
c. Adoption of Agenda -DECISION {Time: 1}
2. Study Session
a. Open Call – INFORMATION {Time: 10}
b. Arizona Auditor General Report- INFORMATION -Mr. Frank D’Angelo, Director of Business Services & Controller (Attached) {Time:10}
David Glennon, Financial Audit Manager
Donna Miller, Director, Financial Audit Division Lindsey Perry, Auditor General
c. President’s Reports – Dr. Lisa Rhine – INFORMATION {Time: 60}
i. Presidents Report on Board Policy 101 College Priorities -Dr. Diane Ryan, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Rodney Jenkins, Vice President of Student Development and Community Affairs. (Attached) {Time: 30}
ii. College Council – Dr. Diane Ryan, Dr. Emily Weinacker, and Mr. Rodney Jenkins
1. Faculty Senate -Dr. Karen Palmer (Attached)
2. Staff Association -Katherine Anderson (Attached)
3. Student Government Association -Jamie Oltersdorf, YCSGA Online Senator (Attached)
iii. Yavapai College Legislative Report -Mr. Rodney Jenkins (Attached)
iv. Budget to Actual Monthly Report and Cash Reserves Monthly Report
d. 2022-2023 Yavapai College Preliminary Budget -Dr. Clint Ewell, Vice President of Finance, INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION (Attached) {Time:120}
3. Board Business
a. Consent Agenda – DECISION {Time: 5}
i. Board Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, March 22, 2022 (Attached)
ii. Receipt of Report on Revenues and Expenditures for February 2022
(Attached) \
iii. Intergovernmental Agreement with Charter Schools for 2022-2024 Academic Year (Attached)
iv. Intergovernmental Agreement with School District for 2022-2024 Academic School Year (Attached)
v. Intergovernmental Agreement with School District with Computer Network Technologies 2022-2024 Academic Year (Attached)
vi. Acceptance of President’s Report on Board Policy 101 College Priorities
b. Report on Board Self-Assessment- Board Chair McCasland, INFORMATION, DISCUSSION, AND DECISION {Time: lO}
c. 2022-2023 Yavapai College District Governing Board Schedule, Board Chair McCasland, INFORMATION, DISCUSSION, AND DECISION {Time 10}
i. 2022-2023 Board Policy Review/Edit Schedule (Attached)
ii. 2022-2023 District Governing Board Calendar Meeting Dates (Attached)
4. Study Session- Continued
a. Board Liaisons’ Reports – INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION {Time: lO}
i. Board Spokesperson -Board Chair McCasland
ii. Arizona Association of Community College Trustee (AACCT) -Board Chair McCasland
iii. Yavapai College Foundation -Board Chair McCasland
b. Dates and Time of Future Meetings and Events – INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION {Time: 5}
i. 2021-2022 Dates, Times, and Places of Future Board Meetings, Workshops, and Retreats (Attached)
ii. 2021-2022 Dates, Times, and Places of Future College Events (Attached)
iii. 2021-2022 Dates, Times, and Places of Future National, State, and Local Conferences (Attached)
5. Adjournment of Board Regular Meeting: Procedural – DECISION {Time: 1}
The Yavapai Community College District Governing Board will hold its monthly General Open Public Meeting on Tuesday, March 22, 2022, at one P.M. The meeting will be held at the Community College’s Sedona Center, which is located at 4215 Arts Village Drive, Sedona.
There is usually an Open Call to the public but check agenda when it is posted. Members of the Governing Board are not supposed to discuss or take legal action on matters raised during an Open Call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. A citizen wishing to address the Board should complete a “Request to Speak” form, and give it to the Recording Secretary. The speaker should be prepared to limit his or her remarks to the designated time (usually three minutes).
Under Arizona law, the public has a right to attend, listen, tape record, or videotape these meetings. The public may not disrupt, but may speak during the call to the public at the beginning of this meeting if the call is on the agenda. See Ariz. Att’y Gen. Op. No. I78-001.
The full agenda for the afternoon meeting can be found on the Community College web site when it is eventually posted. To find out if it has been posted, click here.