
Archive for FOOD PANTRY


Expanded to Verde Campus and Sedona Center in April 2019

The Yavapai Community College Governing Board received a report on the student food pantry project at its November 2019 meeting.  Since opening in October 2017 it has received  and served about 297 requests for food assistance and delivered over 3,500 meals. The program was expanded to the Verde Campus/Sedona Center  in April 2019.

Meal requests from the Verde Campus/Sedona Center  are packaged on the Prescott Campus and sent to the Verde Campus.

The report by the students to the Governing Board may be viewed in the video below.


I AM YC Club opens second College emergency food pantry

A need for emergency food for Yavapai Community College students prompted the I AM YC Club to open a food pantry on the Prescott campus in late 2017. The club’s fund-raising activities and successful food-collection network across the Community College District has made it possible to expand the program to the Verde Valley Campus.

“Anything to help, especially at the end of the month,” said Selena, a general education student who is also pursuing a personal training certificate at the Community College Verde Valley Campus.

The food bags provided to cash-strapped students also include information about other places to seek help. “If you have a greater need than we can provide here, you can go to these other resources,” said I AM YC Club member Alex Daniels.

To date, the I AM YC Club and its volunteers have provided more than 32,000 meals to students and their families. “If students come to class hungry, or go home hungry, their best work can’t be done,” said Dr. Ron Liss, YC vice president of instruction and student development, during the pantry opening.

In her remarks just before the ribbon cutting outside a campus storage space in Building I on the Verde Campus, I AM Community College Club President Madeleine Cherry said, “We are dedicated to helping students and are fighting against food insecurity every day. Now we can provide much more change and support here in the Verde Valley.”

Community members are welcome to make food and monetary donations to the YC pantry by visiting the YC Verde campus in person, 601 Black Hills Drive, Clarkdale, or online: www.yc.edu/food.

Students suffering from food insecurity can access emergency food supplies either by visiting the Answer Center in Building I at the Verde Valley campus, or by applying online here: www.yc.edu/foodpantry.