Charges Wills’ wants VVBAC to go away and Sedona taxpayers to shut up

Christopher Fox Graham
A fiery editorial in the Sedona Redrock News, written by Christoper Fox Graham on November 6, 2015 raised questions about the lack of trust residents have in the “honesty of the college’s administration.” It was based on President Wills’ appearance before the Sedona City Council on October 27, 2015.
Mr. Graham asked why President Wills told the Sedona Council she did not know what potential students wanted the College to offer at the Sedona Center. He charged that the statement was odd given that a Sedona Town Hall was held six-days before her appearance before the Council. At the Town Hall there were hours of comments and “dozens of suggestions from residents and local” Sedona leaders. Graham asked, “Why did Wills not mention a single suggestion” coming from the Town Hall?
He accurately prophesized that the Verde Valley Board Advisory Committee would most likely be stripped of its effectiveness in representing Sedona taxpayers at the upcoming November 9 meeting. He noted that Wills’ refused to offer an opinion on whether she supported the Committee when specifically asked this question by the Sedona Council.
In terms of the need for well-trained hospitality workers, Graham opined that Wills’ should have at least read a 25-page Lodging Sector Compensation report, or mentioned it to the Sedona Council, because it was co-written by a member of her staff. He charged that “either Wills is completely ignorant of what her own staff is doing, in which case the board should fire her for gross incompetence, or she was not honest with Sedona City Council, in which case the board should fire her for deceiving a constituent government body in a public forum while representing her bosses.”
The complete editorial may be found by clicking here.