Author Archive for R. Oliphant – Page 4


Drafted by a former College president and current consultant, the document contains extreme provisions solely intended to allow the Community College president to control an elected Governing Board member’s behavior and speech when it comes to the taxpayer supported institution

OPINION: The outgoing Yavapai Community College District Governing Board, with two lame-duck members,  convened on November 21 at the Prescott Campus, where one of the major issues was a controversial resolution drafted by current consultant and former college president Dr. David Borofsky. The resolution’s main purpose appears aimed at stifling and controlling the free speech and behavior toward faculty and staff of elected Board members. As written, the resolution raises serious concerns about transparency and accountability.

Dr. Borofsky’s professional history is deeply intertwined with Yavapai Community College leadership. He previously served as Interim Executive Director of the Arizona Association of Community College Trustees (AACCT), an organization that listed Yavapai Community College Board Chair Deb McCasland among its members. He is now the permanent Executive Director of a separate entity, the Arizona Community College Coordinating Council (ACCCC), which lists as a member Yavapai Community College President Dr. Lisa Rhine.

Notably, Borofsky’s tenure as a college leader has not been without controversy. For example, it was reported that at Dakota State University he unexpectedly resigned when students began organizing petitions “to then President Borofsky—who was primarily suspected for pressuring the changes in leadership—asking for answers to why these decisions were made.” The claim was that “several high profile administrators” had stepped down, and  it “was believed by many students and faculty that these administrators had not stepped down willingly.”

It was also reported that Jack Warner, executive director of the Board of Regents, “managed to confirm a suspicion that students . . .held since the incident: Doctor Borofsky’s choice to leave was a quick development, and was certainly made because of the poorly received decisions.”

At the November Yavapai Community College Governing Board meeting, Third District Representative Toby Payne asked Chair McCasland who had initiated the request for Borofsky to draft the resolution. McCasland admitted she had done so.

The resolution presented by Borofsky to the Board, which was published in full in a November 16 blog post, is overall an extreme document designed to muzzle dissent and enforce rigid control over Board members. Among its provisions, it prohibits Board members from making any comments about the College president that could be construed as negative. Thus, the Third District representative Toby Payne, under this resolution, can never raise critical questions with his constituents about the lack of attention or development by the college leadership in his district. Even more troubling, the Resolution bans Board members from engaging with community college staff or faculty in any way on any issue involving the College or the community.

This resolution lays bare the administration’s profound fear of criticism and its desire to silence opposing voices. It exemplifies a culture of authoritarian control, where dissent is not tolerated, and open dialogue, some of which may be considered critical,  is actively suppressed. Such measures are a blatant affront to the principles of governance and transparency that should guide a public institution.

In essence, the resolution reflects an unsettling effort to insulate the College leadership from accountability at the expense of the public’s trust. The five elected officials on the lame duck Governing Board should have resisted the blatant attempt to undermine their ability to represent their constituents and upheld their responsibility to advocate for transparency and fairness. Anything less is a disservice to the residents of Yavapai County who they are sworn to serve. Moreover, it is a disservice to democracy.

Unfortunately, the 4-1 vote cast by the lame duck representatives who approved this resolution at  Tuesday ‘meeting does not reflect either these concerns or basic democratic values.


Third time in four years it has been selected as a group finalist

Yavapai Community College pays $3,300 annually to participate in the Bellwether College Consortium, according to the organization’s website. This prestigious consortium recognizes outstanding and innovative programs among community colleges across the United States and its territories.

Each year, 30 community colleges are selected as finalists for the Bellwether Awards, drawn from a large pool of applicants. The finalists are divided into three categories, with 10 colleges chosen in each of the following: Instructional Programs and Services, Planning, Governance, and Finance, and Workforce Development.

This year, Yavapai Community College earned a place among the 10 finalists in the category of Instructional Programs and Services. The college’s submission focused on the formation and implementation of its All-College Council, highlighting its commitment to collaboration and shared governance.

The Bellwether Award winners will be announced during the Community College Futures Assembly, scheduled for February 23–25, 2025, at the historic Menger Hotel in San Antonio, Texas.


District Governing Board abandoning decades of precedent by removing the Open Call for this particular meeting? Why would it do this?

The removal of the Open Call, a longstanding feature of Yavapai Community College Governing Board agendas, has raised eyebrows among some community members. For decades, this agenda item has allowed Yavapai County residents to address their representatives directly for up to three minutes. While sometimes utilized by only a handful of speakers, the Open Call serves as an important avenue for public input, offering a vital connection between the community and its elected officials.

Its absence from the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting is puzzling and, to some, troubling. On the surface, it may seem like a minor procedural adjustment. However, eliminating this opportunity could have far-reaching consequences for public participation in the college’s governance. It risks eroding transparency and trust, key pillars of any public institution.

Speculation abounds as to why the Open Call has been dropped. One possibility is that the Board and college leadership have grown increasingly sensitive to public criticism, particularly when such comments are broadcast online. Perhaps they fear the reputational damage that can result from critical remarks being aired in a public forum. This concern, while understandable, raises serious questions about the Board’s commitment to open dialogue and accountability.

Whatever the reasoning, the decision seems counterproductive. Public institutions thrive on engagement and feedback, even when it is critical. Silencing this mechanism, whether intentionally or not, sends a message that public input is unwelcome—a move that could alienate the very community the college is meant to serve.

The lack of explanation only deepens the mystery. Why has this decades-old tradition been abandoned? Is it a temporary oversight or a deliberate shift away from transparency? Until the Board provides clarity, the community is left to wonder—and to question the direction its leadership is taking.

You may view the summary agenda by clicking here.


Move calculated to consolidate power in Community College President and preempt scrutiny from Yavapai County taxpayers

Editorial:  In a move that appears calculated to consolidate power and preempt scrutiny, Yavapai Community College leadership has presented a resolution that will be discussed and voted on at Tuesday’s meeting.  The resolution, apparently prepared with the cooperation of an outside consultant, is designed to significantly curtail the authority of its Governing Board.

This resolution, strategically scheduled for a vote at the final Board meeting of 2024, seeks approval from a “friendly” majority that includes two outgoing Board members. The timing and content of the resolution raise serious concerns about transparency, governance, and the future independence of the Board.

The proposed policy would profoundly alter the relationship between the Board and the College President. It imposes strict limitations on Board members, barring them from contacting staff about any “college or community issue” and forbidding a member from “publicly criticizing the president.” This framework, cloaked in language emphasizing “decorum” and “cooperation,” effectively insulates the President from accountability while silencing dissent within the Board.

A Preemptive Power Grab

College leadership’s urgency in pushing this resolution stems from the impending arrival of two new Governing Board members in January. These incoming members could disrupt the administration’s longstanding dominance over Board decisions. By securing the votes of the two lame-duck outgoing members, the administration aims to solidify the President’s authority and restrict the new Board’s ability to challenge or revise policies.

The resolution’s provisions go far beyond ensuring decorum; they establish an autocratic model of governance that marginalizes the elected representatives of Yavapai County residents. Key provisions include:

  1. Prohibition of Staff Contact: Board members are explicitly forbidden from directly engaging with staff, regardless of the issue, effectively severing lines of communication and oversight.

  2. Ban on Public Criticism: Members are barred from voicing any public critique of the President, stifling free speech and dissent.

  3. Deference to the President: The resolution demands unwavering support for the President, requiring Board members to publicly endorse decisions once made, even if they personally disagree.

  4. Reinforced Presidential Control: The President is granted expansive authority over operational decisions, policy implementation, and staff management, with minimal oversight from the Board.

Implications for Governance

This resolution redefines the role of the Governing Board, transforming it from an oversight body to a ceremonial entity tasked with rubber-stamping decisions made by the administration. The document openly prioritizes the President’s autonomy over the Board’s ability to represent the community’s interests.

The resolution’s language emphasizes “collective authority” and “respect for roles,” yet these principles are weaponized to suppress individual Board members who might question the administration’s actions. The elected representatives’ duty to advocate for their constituents is subordinated to a requirement to support the President unequivocally.

Moreover, the resolution highlights the administration’s fear of public accountability. Prohibiting Board members from criticizing the President and restricting their engagement with the press effectively shields the College from external scrutiny.

Impact on Yavapai County voters

The adoption of this resolution would mark a troubling shift in the governance of Yavapai Community College. It risks undermining the Board’s role as a check on administrative power and silences voices critical of the status quo. By approving this resolution, the current Board would not only tie the hands of their successors but also erode the principles of transparency and accountability that underpin public institutions.

This resolution does not merely address operational efficiency or Board conduct; it seeks to fundamentally alter the balance of power at the College. The incoming Board members, and by extension the community they represent, deserve the opportunity to participate in shaping the institution’s future without being shackled by the dictates of outgoing members and an overly empowered administration.

The Resolution at a Glance

The full text of the resolution underscores its autocratic nature. The document’s emphasis on loyalty to the President and strict limitations on Board member actions reflects a broader effort to suppress dissent and ensure compliance. It provides that the Board will “monitor” a Board member, something it already does in part by scanning a member’ college email account.  Key excerpts include:

  • “The Board provides visible public support for the President, does not undermine his/her authority and counters misinformed public criticism.”

  • “Under no circumstances should an individual Board member direct or contact by any means, a staff member concerning a college or community issue.”

  • “The Board understands that the President is the primary contact with the college community and does not publicly criticize the President.”

  • The Board will monitor inappropriate behavior of the Board as a whole and individual Board members, and take appropriate corrective action-when necessary. 

These provisions crystallize the administration’s intent to silence opposition and maintain its dominance, even at the expense of democratic governance.

The following is the draft resolution:

Proposed New District Governing Board Policy

Policy 310 Yavapai College Code of Conduct and Ethics 

The Board expects of itself, as a whole and of its individual members, ethical and professional conduct. This commitment includes proper use of authority and appropriate decorum in group and individual behavior when acting as Board members. The Board shall: 

Enforce upon itself whatever discipline is needed to govern with excellence. Discipline will apply to matters such as abiding by Board Policy, respect of roles, abiding by the  majority’s decisions and adherence to ethical practices. 

The Board will protect the mission of student learning and student success as they protect the long-term interests of the college. 

Yavapai College District Governing Board will demonstrate a commitment to informed, ethical decision-making based on what is best for the students, the college and the community– not on special interests or personal agendas. Members will review Boad materials provided, attend scheduled meetings, and request data and information  through protocols established by the Board in conjunction with the President. 

In addition: 

Per Yavapai College Board Policy 401, Delegation to and Accountability of President, the Governing Board has delegated the day-to-day management of Yavapai College to the President. Therefore, 

The Board acknowledges the difference between governance and administration of the college. The Board’s primary function is to establish the policies by which the college shall be administered. The authority for overall college administration, to initiate policy recommendations, administer academic programs, conduct college business, direct staff and faculty, and implement board actions is delegated to the college president. Yavapai College District Governing members will respect the delegation of authority to the president to administer the college. 

The Board provides visible public support for the President, does not undermine his/her authority and counters misinformed public criticism. 

The Board is responsible for creating and maintaining a spirit of cooperation and a mutually supportive relationship with its president. Yavapai College District Governing Board will promote a healthy working relationship with college president through respectful, supportive, open and honest communication. 

Authority rests with the entire board and not individuals. The Board’s voice is only expressed through the policies and actions it takes in the official meetings. Once the Board has decided on a policy or position, each Board member must be prepared to honor the Board’s decision. As individuals, YCDGB members have no legal authority to determine policies, programs, or procedures, or to direct the President or any staff. 

Under no circumstances should an individual Board member direct or contact by any means, a staff member concerning a college or community issue. Board members will refer all of their concerns and constituent concerns via email to the President to resolve or   answer. Board members never speak or act on behalf of the college, unless instructed to do so by a majority vote of the Board. 

The Board understands that the President is the primary contact with the college community and does not publicly criticize the President. 

The Board will maintain appropriate confidentiality of all executive {closed} sessions, as required by Arizona state statutes, 38-431.03. 

The Board will monitor inappropriate behavior of the Board as a whole and individual Board members, and take appropriate corrective action-when necessary. 

Board members do not speak to the press in any way that reflects negatively on their colleagues or the college. 

The Board should be knowledgeable of the Higher Learning Commissions Criteria for Accreditation, especially as it relates to the Board (see HLC Criteria 2.5). Therefore, the Board’s performance as a whole and as individuals has the potential to positively and/or negatively affect accreditation. 

YCDGB will devote time to activities that will enhance their knowledge of the college, and higher educations’ issues as they engage in a regular and ongoing process of professional development, continuous improvement, self-assessment, and participate in college events as appropriate. 






WHEREAS, the District Governing Board is the legally constituted and final authority for the operation of Yavapai County Community College District, including any policies that govern the College; 

WHEREAS, the Board’s sole official connection to the operational organization, its achievement, and conduct is through the College President; 

WHEREAS, only officially passed motions of the Board shall be binding on the President; 

WHEREAS, The President shall be the Board’s only link to operational achievement and conduct, so that all authority and accountability of staff, as far as the Board is concerned, shall be considered the authority and accountability of the President; 

WHEREAS, In the case of Board members requesting information or assistance without Board authorization, the President shall refuse such requests that require, in the President’s opinion, a material amount of staff time or funds or are disruptive; 

WHEREAS, The Board shall instruct the President through written policies which prescribe the organizational priorities to be achieved, allowing the President to use a reasonable interpretation of these policies; 

WHEREAS, the Board fully understands proper use of authority including the clear distinction of Board and Staff roles and collective rather than individual authority of the Board; 

WHEREAS, the Board acts consistent with its own policies and those imposed upon it by law and regulations; 


NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AND REAFFIRMED that the Yavapai County Community College District Governing Board Pursuant to A.R.S. 15-1444(A)(6) & (B)(4), delegates to the College President all of its authority to operate the college and employ, except for any actions taken with regard to a contract of employment for the position of College President. The Board will exercise authority over the College and the President only as they operate with one voice as a whole. Individual Board members will abide by and uphold majority decisions of the Board. 

This shall be based on the following principles: 


  1. Accordingly, decisions or instructions of individual Board members, or officers shall not be binding on the President except in rare instances when the Board has specifically authorized such exercise of authority. 
  2. The Board shall not evaluate, either formally or informally, any staff other than the President. 3. The President shall be authorized to establish all college operational policies, make all decisions, take all actions, establish all practices, and develop all activities. 
  3. As long as any particular delegation is in place, the Board shall respect and support the President’s choices. 

NOW, BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that the Governing Board delegates to the President such additional authority as is necessary to ensure that College operations meet the changing needs of our students and employers. 

The Governing Board shall retain all powers and duties as prescribed by law that are not formally delegated in this Resolution or Board Policies. 

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Yavapai County Community College District Governing Board this 19th day of November 2024. 

Approved as to form: 

Ms. Deb McCasland, Board Chair 

Mr. Chris Kuknyo, Board Secretary


Deadline to show interest is December 2

Yavapai County School Superintendent Tim Carter has initiated the process of filling the Yavapai Community College District Governing Board seat soon to be vacated by District 4 representative Chris Kuknyo. This District includes North Prescott, Chino Valley, Paulden, Ash Fork, Seligman, and surrounding areas. Kuknyo will remain on the Board until December 31, 2024, and the new appointment is expected to be finalized and announced by December 18, 2024.

Application Details
Individuals interested in serving on the Board are invited to submit a letter of interest and a resume to Superintendent Tim Carter at the Yavapai County Education Service Agency. Submissions can be sent to the following address:

  • Mail: 2970 Centerpointe East, Prescott, AZ 86301
  • Fax: 928-771-3329
  • Email:

Applicants should include details about their background, including family, education, and work experience, as well as an explanation of why they wish to join the Board. The letter must also include the applicant’s residence and mailing address, email address, and home/work phone numbers. Additionally, candidates may submit up to three letters of recommendation.

The deadline for submitting all materials is Monday, December 2, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.

Selection Process
A five-person committee will review all applications, resumes, and any letters of recommendation. The committee will include:

  1. A taxpayer.
  2. A faculty member.
  3. A student.
  4. An elected official.
  5. A workforce development professional.

This committee will shortlist candidates for interviews, establish interview questions, and conduct the interviews on December 13, 2024. Afterward, they will recommend finalists for Superintendent Carter’s consideration.

Before making the final selection, Carter will consult individually with the currently seated Yavapai College Governing Board members to gather their input on the finalists. However, this process raises a notable issue: outgoing Board member Ray Sigafoos, who was defeated in the recent election, will participate in candidate discussions, while newly elected Board member William Kiel, who begins his term in January 2025, will not.

Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the District 4 seat, applicants must meet the following qualifications:

  • Be a registered voter residing in District 4.
  • Be a U.S. citizen at least 18 years of age.
  • Have civil rights intact.
  • Neither the applicant nor their spouse may be employed by the college district.

This is a non-partisan seat, and the appointment process will adhere to the statutory requirements.


The meeting is anticipated to run about three hours; this is the last meeting of 2024 where business will be discussed

The Yavapai Community College District Governing Board will hold a meeting on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, at the Rock House on the Prescott  Campus. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 1:00 p.m. and is expected to last approximately three hours. A live video stream will be available on YouTube.

While the agenda normally includes an Open Call to the Public, allowing residents and other attendees an opportunity to address the Governing Board at the beginning of the meeting, the Board may not include that provision if it so chooses.  Should the Board allow persons to do so,  those wishing to speak should complete a “Request to Speak” form and submit it to the Recording Secretary prior to speaking. Speakers should be prepared to limit their remarks to the allotted time, which is usually three minutes.

Under Arizona law, the public has the right to attend, listen, record, or videotape these meetings. While attendees may not disrupt the meeting, they are welcome to speak during the Call to the Public. For further details, see Ariz. Att’y Gen. Op. No. I78-001.

The agenda for the meeting is normally withheld from the public until almost the last minute that is legally allowable.  You can view the agenda when it is finally posted on Monday at

It is noted that this is the last meeting of 2024 where business will be discussed.


Driven by the competitive market for students,  Yavapai Community College aims to be first in nation to earn Higher Learning Commission Accreditation for 92-Credit B.A.—Recognition by other institutions remains uncertain if HLC approves

Colleges and universities typically require 120 credits for a B.A. degree, as this standard reflects the nation-wide amount of study time deemed necessary for comprehensive understanding in a subject area. This requirement includes both general education courses across various disciplines and focused coursework within a chosen major. The 120 credits are intended to ensure students graduate with adequate preparation for the workforce, balancing broad education with specialized knowledge in their field.

The 120-credit benchmark also facilitates easier transfer of credits between institutions and maintains consistency in academic expectations. While 120 credits is the standard minimum, some programs require over 140 credits to meet specific professional or academic demands. This 120-credit standard was established about 125 years ago to bring uniformity to college education in the United States.

A student typically needs 60 credit hours to obtain an Associate in Arts (AA) degree at Yavapai Community College. This is designed for transferring to a baccalaureate-granting institution.

According to the Community College’s October 30, 2024, news release, “Yavapai [Community] College is endeavoring to change the traditional dynamics of higher education with a new Optimized 92-credit Bachelor of Applied Science in Business Degree, designed to be completed within three years.” The 92 hour requirement will provide students “with the opportunity to create optimized bachelor’s degrees that are more affordable and reduce the completion time for students. This new opportunity will allow students to complete a degree in three years rather than four.”

The press release further states that “Yavapai Community] College has positioned itself to be the first community college in the country to offer a reduced credit baccalaureate degree. The College has undergone its curriculum process, and the Yavapai College District Governing Board unanimously approved the degree at its October meeting. The degree must go through the HLC approval process, and if all goes well, it will launch for the fall 2025 semester.”


Voter concerns over large increases in property tax rates and a Community College west side  wasteful spending spree appear main factors among many that were behind William Kiel’s successful challenge

William Kiel

William Kiel unseated Ray Sigafoos as the District 1 representative on the Yavapai Community College Governing Board, ushering in a possible shift for the institution. Kiel, a civil engineer with a Master of Science in Civil Engineering, criticized the Board for engaging in what he described as wasteful spending. He pointed to several controversial decisions, including the Board’s move to raise property tax rates by 8.4% over the past two years, expand the budget by 155% within the same timeframe, and allocate $11 million for a church camp outside Prescott.

Kiel also took issue with President Dr. Lisa Rhine’s salary, which he suggests is approaching $400,000, questioning why the exact figure remains undisclosed to county voters. As an example of further waste, he cited the CTEC building, where “literally hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment made of carbon steel is rusting away” due to the use of swamp coolers rather than adequate air conditioning—an oversight he suggests may cost taxpayers dearly.

Kiel has pledged to improve transparency with a goal of increasing  public access to information both at the Board and administration levels.

Sigafoos, who served the Governing Board for twenty years, leaves a legacy that includes seven years as Board chair and two as Board secretary, following his appointment in 2005.


 Associate of Arts in Fine Arts degree with a concentration in Music is offered but virtually all classes taught in Prescott – Chorales, bands, Symphony Orchestra, jazz ensembles, individual instruction and more not offered in Sedona/Verde Valley with exception of two voice classes

OPINION: For over 50 years, Yavapai Community College leadership has focused its efforts on building an extensive music program exclusively on the Prescott Campus. Throughout this time, it has neglected to make similarly accessible music instruction reasonably available to students in other parts of Yavapai County. With the approval of the District Governing Board, this concentrated effort has resulted in a full range of music courses being offered solely in Prescott—such as music theory, piano classes, music appreciation, private lessons, and performance ensembles. This focus has also produced impressive student music groups, including the Master Chorale, Community Chorale, Women’s Chorale, Chamber Singers, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Symphony Orchestra, and Jazz ensembles, providing students with opportunities to develop their musical talents collaboratively. Additionally, the Community College now offers an Associate of Arts in Fine Arts degree with a concentration in Music—yet music instruction in person is provided only on the Prescott Campus.

The lack of reasonable opportunities for music education outside the Prescott Campus can be traced to several key failures: the logistical barriers posed by the county’s vast geography, the absence of public or college-provided transportation, frequently hazardous travel conditions between the county’s east and west sides, and a glaring disregard for the realities of Community College student life beyond Prescott. These factors collectively demonstrate a profound disconnect between college leadership and the needs of students outside Prescott.

The Expansive Reach of Yavapai County

It seems Yavapai College’s leadership is oblivious to the fact that its district spans all 8,125 square miles of Yavapai County—an area larger than several entire U.S. states. For context, this landmass exceeds Connecticut (5,543 square miles, with 12 colleges and universities), Delaware (1,982 square miles, with three), Rhode Island (1,214 square miles, with three), and nearly matches New Jersey (8,723 square miles, with 19). Even Israel, slightly larger at 8,550 square miles, supports ten universities and 53 colleges. Yet, despite this vast expanse, Yavapai College leadership and its Governing Board have concentrated the music program solely on the Prescott Campus, apparently because of its higher population density. This failure to consider the realities of the county’s geographic scale and the resulting accessibility issues for students outside Prescott is baffling. This centralized approach effectively excludes students from Sedona and the Verde Valley, denying them meaningful access to music instruction.

Geographic Barriers and Accessibility Challenges

In addition to the vast size of the county, a major barrier to student access to music classes in Prescott is the mountainous divide separating Yavapai County’s east and west sides. The Black Mountain Range splits the county, creating an almost impassable obstacle for some students. Only two routes connect Sedona and the Verde Valley on the east side to Prescott on the west. Interstate 17—a four-lane highway—is the only reliable, year-round option. The alternative, Highway 89A, is a narrow, winding mountain road that crosses the 7,000-foot Mingus Mountain. Frequently treacherous with snow, ice, or dense fog, Highway 89A is the shortest route for students from Jerome, Clarkdale, Cottonwood, Verde Villages, and Sedona to reach the Prescott Campus.  Given the massive size of the County and the limited roads available on which to travel, a student may face an arduous and sometimes highly dangerous 90 to 150-mile round trip from his or her home to the Prescott Campus. 

Barriers to Student Success

Another major barrier to student access to music classes is the District Governing Board’s failure to account for the real-life circumstances of students across Yavapai County. Although the Board frequently claims its mission is to serve students and support their success, the lack of accessible music education for students in Sedona and the Verde Valley tells a different story. Many students juggle part- or full-time jobs and family obligations, making lengthy commutes to Prescott impossible. For some, transportation is an added hurdle, with no inter-campus transit options provided by the Community College. Rising fuel costs further compound the financial strain.

Moreover, Yavapai Community College has acknowledged that nearly 20% of its student body faces partial or complete homelessness, exacerbating these challenges. For these students, the lack of resources and stability makes regular travel to Prescott unfeasible, underscoring the inequity in the College’s centralized approach to its music program and its failure to recognize the diverse realities of its entire student body.


Yavapai Community College’s centralized music program on the Prescott Campus starkly contrasts with its stated mission to serve all students and foster their success. By investing resources solely in Prescott, the College sends a message that educational opportunities in music—and perhaps other programs—are only for those who can access the West side of Yavapai County. This approach disregards the unique needs and challenges of students from Sedona and the Verde Valley, who must contend with long, costly, and sometimes dangerous commutes if they wish to participate.

Moreover, by neglecting these regions, Yavapai College risks leaving behind talented students who could enrich its music programs. Those in Sedona and the Verde Valley deserve a reasonably equal opportunity to pursue music education within their own communities.

It’s time for Yavapai College to live up to its responsibilities as a district-wide institution, investing in infrastructure and program accessibility across the county. Without meaningful steps toward inclusivity, the Community College’s promises to support every student’s success will remain unfulfilled, and the Sedona and Verde Valley communities will continue to shoulder the burden of being underserved. Only by broadening its approach to education can Yavapai Community College truly claim to represent and support all students within its reach.


Strategy aims to minimize public backlash from larger, sporadic hikes after multi-year intervals

At its October meeting, Yavapai Community College (YCC) leadership informed the District Governing Board that it has adopted a strategy of annually requesting a one percent increase in County property taxes. This incremental approach is set to begin this year, under the guise of softening public reaction to periodic hikes.

The rationale behind this approach is, essentially, a public relations tactic. By asking for smaller, annual increases, the College aims to avoid the backlash that might accompany a sudden four or five percent hike after several years without any adjustments. This is a calculated move to manage perception.

However, it is important to highlight that the Governing Board holds the authority to approve far larger increases at any time. There is no policy or restriction preventing them from raising taxes beyond the one percent threshold if they choose.

Notably, over the past two years, the Governing Board has approved substantial property tax increases of 5% and 3.4%, underscoring their willingness to meet the College leadership’s requests for additional funding. This history raises questions about the long-term financial strategy at YCC and the true necessity of annual tax increases on County residents.