Topics will include discussion of budget and “attorney education workshop”
The Yavapai Community College District Governing Board will hold a workshop meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at the Rock House on the Prescott Campus. The meeting will start at 9 a.m. and is expected to conclude by 4 p.m. A live stream of the meeting will normally be available on YouTube at
The workshop agenda includes a discussion of the Community College budget and a lecture by the Board’s attorney entitled, “Attorney Education Workshop.”
Members of the public are generally not permitted to speak during these workshop sessions. However, under Arizona law, the public has the right to attend, listen, record, or videotape the meeting, provided they do not disrupt the proceedings. For more information on these rights, refer to Arizona Attorney General Opinion No. I78-001.
Further updates will be provided as they become available. The agenda is usually posted by Monday, the day prior to the meeting.